The Handibot

As an intern at ShopBot Tools, a maker of low-cost manufacturing robots, I designed and built the first functional prototype of a portable CNC router, later branded the Handibot™.

ShopBot's CEO, Ted Hall, had approached me with an idea he had been developing: a small, portable robotic milling tool that would could be brought to materials to cut them, rather than the other way around - as is the case with traditional robotic mills. I developed the prototype design in CAD, working to fit the necessary motors, rails, and cutting head into an eighteen inch footprint. I fabricated the design using larger larger robotic mills to cut HDPE & aluminum components, iterating on the assembly until I had a functional prototype capable of cutting the very components from which it was made.

Shopbot later launched the tool through a Kickstarter Campaign, netting $350,000 in pre-orders. The tool went into production, and while its design continues to evolve you can still see its resemblance to my initial prototype.

My prototype making its first cut - carving the same 1/2'' HDPE from which it’s made. Apologies for the shaky video.

A portable, hand-held CNC router

Photos of the original prototype


Stripe New User Experience


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